Sunday, August 24, 2008

Celtx on the Acer Aspire One

So I managed to get the Celtx screenwriting (and general preproduction) software up and running on my shiny new AA1, and in the interests of sharing the knowledge I thought I'd post how I did it. Please note, this should also work as general recipe for installing any software not available under the package manager in Linpus Light Linux (provided there are no additional dependencies).

First of all you need to download the software from the downloads page of the Celtx website, here. I'd recomend getting the straight up Linux version in your choice of language (frustratingly there is no option for British English, though). There is an Asus eee specific version, but that just clears up some dependencies and doesn't really provide you with anything extra.

First of all you'll need a terminal, so hit Alt+F2, type "terminal" (without the quotes) and hit enter. A terminal should have popped up. If you're a Linux novice, don't worry, you should just be able to copy and paste everything from this page.

Now you need to unpackage the software. I put it in /opt, because it generally seems to be a dumping ground for user installed applications (as far as I can tell). Type these in the terminal one at a time:
cd /opt

sudo tar -xf /home/user/Downloads/Celtx.tar.gz

Now, if you type "ls" you should see a directory named celtx. So far so good. Next you need to add a link so Celtx can be run from the command line, like this:
sudo ln -s /opt/celtx/celtx /usr/bin/celtx

In theory that's all you need to do. Now if you type "celtx" on the command line (or after hitting Alt+F2) the program will run. We can make it a lot easier than that, though. Next we need an icon to represent it on the desktop. There are two options here. First of all you could use an existing one. Type this:
sudo thunar /usr/share/pixmaps

A file manager window should pop up and if you scroll down you'll find all the system icons. If you find one you want to use for Celtx: cool, if you don't then you're other option is to make one. I'm not going to get into that, but if you want to do it please bare in mind that is has to be a png, it has to be 90px x 90px in size and it has to be placed in that directory. I found on on the web and resized it myself. Assuming you have the icon you want in the downloads directory and it's called "celtx.png", you would type this to get it in the right place:
sudo mv /home/user/Downloads/celtx.png /usr/share/pixmaps/celtx.png

That done we need to create a desktop entry for it. You need to use a text editor for this. I used "vim", so that's what the directions here will say. "vim" can be pretty hard to use at first, though, so if you're not linux minded you might want to find a tutorial on the web, or replace the "vim" command with something else (mousepad is one option that might be easier to use and more familiar). We start by (basically) creating the file:
sudo vim /usr/share/applications/Celtx.desktop

If you're using vim, hit "i" (the word insert should appear at the bottom) and then paste the following into the file:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Write and edit media scripts

Be sure to replace "Celtx.png" with whatever the icon you want to use is called. Also, all those language options are possibly not strictly necessary, but I copied most of this from another file and left them in to be on the safe side. Likewise, I could probably have done something a bit more clever with the "MimeType" bit, but decided not to bother. Next, save and exit the file. In "vim", you hit escape, then type:


and hit enter. Lastly, we just need to tell Linpus to display Celtx on the desktop:

vim /home/user/.config/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml

You should now be looking at an XML file. You need to find this:

And insert this underneath it:
<app sequence="2">/usr/share/applications/Celtx.desktop</app>

Be sure to increase the "sequence" numbers on the other "<app>" entries as well, to make sure there are no duplicates.

That's about all there is to it. If you reboot the machine you should now find that you have an icon for Celtx on the desktop. After you put some .celtx files on the machine, you might want to right click on one and select "properties", then tell Limpus to open the file type with Celtx (otherwise it'll just treat it like a zip file).

This is quite a long post and I have work to do, but I might return in the next couple of days with some things to say about Celtx itself. Happy hunting!

PS Thanks to the users of the forums on for the knowledge which was needed to work this out.


  1. i have tryd to instal celtx. I type in:
    "cd /opt"
    "sudo tar -xf /home/user/Downloads/Celtx.tar.gz"
    but then this mesage coms up
    "audid_log_user_comand(): Connection refused"


  2. Hmmm... I'm not sure. That's not something I've ever seen. Does anything else happen? What happens when you type "ls /opt/"? I'll have a poke around when I get chance, but I'm a little busy at the moment.

  3. @hmm:

    I don't think that should affect execution of the command. Check to see if it worked anyway. It seems to be attempting to audit the operation but that functionality is not compiled into your kernel. Have you installed a new kernel from somewhere? What version are you running (execute 'uname -r -v' at the prompt) - we'll see if that's the same as Nick's.

    But anyway, check that it didn't work anyway.

  4. Thanks. Worked first time and very helpful.

  5. For future reference... how does one go about uninstalling a program which is installed like this?

  6. @Sebastian

    Just delete the files you installed (probably in a directory in /opt if you followed this tutorial) and remove the entries from the appropriate configuration files (group-app.xml). You could also remove the .desktop file if you're a perfectionist.

  7. @harveynick

    Through terminal? I noticed I don't have permission to alter /opt in file manager. Sorry, I'm a bit new at this, used to OSX.

  8. @Sebastian

    Yep and yep. You'll need to place "sudo" before the delete command if the files are in /opt (this gives the command root permissions). So something like:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/Celtx

    In fact the OSX file system is not so different. If you crack open a terminal and run the following:

    ls /

    you'll get a directory listing for the root of the file system. Look closely and you'll notice that the directories you're used to seeing here in the Finder are joined by the ones ones you see at the root of the AA1 file system (plus some bonus extra ones for good measure). OSX hides these from you, because you really don't need to play with them (and doing so can be dangerous).

  9. Please help!

    I bought the acer aspire one (linpus) purely for mobile celtx, and I followed your problems...yet when i try and run from alt + F2 command line, i get

    /opt/celtx/celx-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    sorry....i used to know my way a little through linux...but the coercion of windows has dulled my memory....

    I would rather keep linpus as it's economcal neat for the spec, but would go to ubuntu if that's better for celtx on a compaq laptop with ubuntu...


  10. typo

    /opt/celtx/celtx-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  11. I'm afraid there's not a lot I can easily do to help, as I've installed the Ubuntu netbook remix in my AA1 (it's much better, but it kills your battery life... that's a story for another day, though). My suspicion is that you have a more recent version of Limpus which no longer includes libgio. A bit of Googling supports this possibility. My advice would be to try re-downloading and re-installing the application, in case it has been updated on the website. Another option would be to compile it from source, which would probably be significantly more complicated (but might give you a nice warm feeling inside if you got it to work).

    Alternatively, does anyone a bit more Linux savvy reading this (I'm looking at you, Dougal) know if creating a fake would help, either as an empty file or a symbolic link to something else?

    My apologies for being so unhelpful.

  12. It's probably not safe to symlink the library to an older version. Chances are good that the application depends on some new feature of the library and all you'll get is a crash.

    Of course, trying it won't hurt. If it doesn't work just delete the symlink straight away.

    Or you could try hunting down that library for your distro but you may end up with a chain of new dependencies that isn't worth your while chasing.

  13. Hey Harvey Nick, Thanks for putting this up it is greatly appreciated! However, I am a complete Linux noob, and I am getting stuck on the first hurdle. After i put in the command to unpack the file i get the following message;
    "tar: /home/user/Downloads/Celtx.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: Exiting now"

    I've checked the directory, and it matches other than the file extension on the version i have dl'd is Celtx.tar.gz2. but i have tried with this directory and get the same result.

    Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated!!

  14. Acer Aspire One AOD250-1165
    This model is fairly new. So it has the usual features, i.e. built in wi-fi, camera, 160 GB drive, etc, etc. This is the 3 hr battery model. I have no idea where Amazon gets their tech specs. We just bought this and the manual states that it comes with 1 GB of RAM, and is upgradeable to 2 GB. It recognized 4 wireless connections in my area the instant it was powered on. So far it's great for what it was bought for, the internet, small low demand games, music, simple word processing...

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